If one attempts to install OpenStack Kilo via the Ubuntu Cloud Archive, you will get Rabbit 3.4.3.
All RabbitMQ versions after 3.3.0 prohibit the guest user from connecting remotely by default so you must create a config file to allow this.
Don't use the guest user in a production OpenStack environment.
If you are setting up OpenStack Kilo for dev/testing purposes do the following:
Install RabbitMQ-Server:
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Create the config file to allow the guest user to connect from anywhere:
cat > /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config <<EOF
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
Restart RabbitMQ. Rabbit listens on 5672 by default.
service rabbitmq-server restart
Enable the RabbitMQ API for management and monitoring:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Restart RabbitMQ. The API will listen on 15672 by default.
service rabbitmq-server restart
Verify that you can authenticate against the RabbitMQ API with u:guest p:guest
curl -i -u guest:guest yourip:15672/api/whoami
Open up a web browser and connect to the Rabbit Management portal at http://yourip:15672 with u:guest p:guest.
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