oc cluster up vs. minishift vs. CKD vs. Ansible Playbooks
What's the difference between all the various way to get started with OpenShift?
more ...What's the difference between all the various way to get started with OpenShift?
more ...About the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam
more ...About the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam
more ...Exploring Kubernetes Non-Masquerade CIDR
more ...An excerpt from my new book, Preparing for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam
more ...Configure Cloud-Init to set root password from randomly generated admin pass
more ...Overview of cloud-init stages in Upstart and Systemd
more ...Overview of four basic types of metadata found in an OpenStack environment
more ...My Austin OpenStack Summit Workshop on the OpenStack Metadata Service
more ...How to install and configure a local VirtualBox environment for the OpenStack Liberty Install Guide
more ...RabbitMQ versions 3.3.0 and greater require a config file to allow the guest user to connect remotely
more ...Neutron installation in Juno requires an extra step to get neutron-server service started
more ...Resolve issues with installing VMware Tools Shared Folders on Centos7
more ...Setup nic bonding in Ubuntu with VirtualBox
more ...Configure Keystone to utilize Apache as a front-end on Ubuntu 14.04
more ...Increase the amount of files that can be injected into an instance upon boot
more ...Use Glance v2 API to get a file location URL
more ...Keystone's v3 API introduces some significant features
more ...Resizing an instance in a single compute environment
more ...Deleting a Cloud Files container containing many objects with Pyrax and Gevent library
more ...Outlining the Keystone PKI signing/verifying process
more ...Configuring the QNAP TS-419P to sync to Rackspace Cloud Files with Pyrax SDK
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